Healing N Wholeness

Healing N Wholeness specializes in therapeutic services that help relieve psychosomatic symptoms to wellness.

The goal is to heal traumas and wounds in the body and soul to accomplish wholeness. The services include: breath work, V-Steams, massages, cavitation, somatic modalities, birthing doulas, art and horticulture workshops, coaching and consulting.

Our Mission is to guide individuals through the healing process and remove trauma from the body.

Our Vision is to help each person heal in the body and soul. Through the healing journey, it brings an awareness to the trauma being held in the body that needs to move to experience a healthy transformation to wholeness. Healing allows a person the capacity to walk in their God given authority. When a person accomplishes wholeness they are able to make quality decisions which produces a healthy lifestyle.

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The benefits of the therapeutic services with Healing and Wholeness you may experience:

Breath Work - balanced blood pressure, more time in deep sleep, reduction of PTSD and feelings of trauma, stronger respiratory function, better immune system and release of stress hormones from your body.

V-Steams - Balanced hormones, detoxification of the womb, faster recovery after childbirth, fertility, hemorrhoid relief, increased energy, fewer headaches and overall pain relief.

Cavitation - reducing cellulite and adipose fat, improves body shape and contour and reduces circumference.

Somatic modalities - bring awareness to the body and mind, transform and release trauma, build tools to improve yourself and release tension.

Art workshops - encourages clients to talk about images and begin to look to themselves for meaning and insight, helping the client to deal with strong emotions, increase self-awareness and self-worth and decrease stress and anxiety.

Birthing doula -

Horticulture workshops - improved memory, cognitive abilities, task initiation, language skills, socialization, strengthen muscles, improve coordination, balance and endurance.


Melinda Leilani


is an Emotional Wellness Coach that helps women break the isolation of suffering in silence through healing from spiritual impediments that stop them from thriving as an effective leader.

Janet MarLee


is a Wealth Transfer Coach that helps women identify unhealthy financial habits and mindsets that prevents them from scaling their financial status to achieve wealth.


“This workshop was so valuable.”

“I truly enjoyed the training. I am inspired to do greater things.”

“Thank you, this was informative even at a personal level.”

“I reactivate[ed] my Daycare Business. I will be doing parenting classes on weekends with the parents and others. I am going to think Bigger!!”

“The information presented was a good way to initial[ize] conversations around finances,

fears and values and being able to tie it together to gain independences of victims of domestic violence.”